I’m an inventor/entrepreneur, and in 2022, I was diagnosed Autistic/ADHD. My story is typical of an undiagnosed, unsupported neurodivergent person; bullying, unemployment, suicide, addiction, homelessness & trauma. It has taken 41 years to finally be myself.

We are different & in fact these differences have changed the world. [Just ask Newton, Einstein, Edison, Turing, Darwin, Jobs, Grandin, Christie, Curie, Mozart, Monroe, Ali, Elvis]

Enough with the stigma, the shame, the myths, the exclusion & stereotypes! We need the truth, to hear the facts & spotlight the strengths & skills to break the cycle.

In January 2024, we launched The Hidden 20%, a media-led charity dedicated to raising awareness & support for the 1.6 Billion neurodivergents.

The response has been overwhelming, powerful, and galvanising. We’ve seen firsthand the impact of our work and the profound need for continued advocacy and support. My story & so many others’ can be avoided.

Join us to help rewrite the future for people who think differently.

i’m Ben…

  • "Amazing & so beyond needed! Just want to scream thank you! Thank you for representing and discussing all sides of neurodiversity, opening up and having such important conversations and helping to breaking down the stigma around neurodiversity. Please keep up the amazing work!"


Item 1 of 4

latest episode

  • British Podcast Awards Interview 2024 (Gold)

  • British Podcast Awards New Podcast 2024 (Silver)
